Reading Odd Girl Out and being on the Autism Spectrum

A year ago, I started going to therapy to figure out why I have social anxiety and how to manage it. I’ve always been shy and felt awkward around people. When I was a kid, I was told that was normal, some even found it cute, but I always got the same response from adults, I would grow out of it. Fast forward to my late twenties, and I’m still the same awkward, shy kid, the difference is that now it’s no longer cute, it’s worrying. … More Reading Odd Girl Out and being on the Autism Spectrum

How I’m coping with SAD (Seasonal affective disorder)

I’ve noticed since I’ve gotten older that the colder months affect me more than they used to. I love autumn and winter, rainy days, cold walks in the woods, long scarves… I spend my summers wishing for days like these, but when the time comes, the cold weather also affects my moods in ways I’m not used to. … More How I’m coping with SAD (Seasonal affective disorder)

Personal entry: An introvert’s survival kit

I was reading Quiet Girl in a Noisy World by Debbie Tung, and I fell in love with the illustrations of her life as an introvert. She described exactly how I feel, and I related so much to all the situations she illustrated. I enjoyed her book, but what most captured my attention was her introvert’s survival kit because I also have one, and I thought it’d be fun to create my own version. … More Personal entry: An introvert’s survival kit

Personal entry: Getting surgery

It’s only been ten days since the start of March, and I can already tell you this month sucks. I got jaw surgery last week because I was born with a beautifully messed up bone structure that would only get worse with age until it’d be impossible for me to eat and breathe properly. So after saving for years, I finally got surgery. They cut me open, readjusted my jaw, cut a few bones and added a nose job so my face would look symmetrical. … More Personal entry: Getting surgery

Late summer diaries: Two weeks in Spain

I’m writing this post from my parent’s garden in Spain. It’s way too sunny and hot even though there was a big storm just five minutes ago, but that’s Spain in September. I grew up on a small Mediterranean island, where summers are too long, and winters are just mildly cold. I usually come back once a year to show my family I’m still alive. … More Late summer diaries: Two weeks in Spain